Women who are frequent drinkers and who have a close relative who has had breast cancer are more than twice as likely to develop breast cancer themselves than those who do not drink.
The Mayo Clinic’s recent study examined families in which someone had developed breast cancer, and found that women who had close relatives with the disease put themselves at a higher risk of getting breast cancer themselves by drinking, especially if they were daily drinkers.
Dr. Thomas Sellers, professor of epidemology at the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center in Rochester, Minnesota, said that the research showed that risk factors for breast cancer may depend upon underlying genetic factors, and how individuals metabolize alcohol may relate to their risk of breast cancer.
Chronic alcohol consumption has been associated with a 10 percent increase in a women’s risk of breast cancer. The risk appears to increase as the quantity and duration of alcohol consumption increases.
Maid Brigade House Cleaning Services supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month by educating and empowering you so that you can make the best lifestyle choices to lower your risk of cancer. For more information on healthy green living and green cleaning, please log on to greencleancertified.com or maidbrigade.com.