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Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes

Green Cleaning Tips and Tricks

20-Day Challenge: Holiday Clean Up – DAY 1

holiday-clean-up-guest bedroom

To help prepare you for the holidays, we’ve collected some expert advice from our guest bloggers to share throughout December. Be sure to check out our 20 Day Challenge on holiday cleaning and getting your home ready for the holidays. If you plan to host overnight guests, we recommend you download the Holiday Clean-Up 20-Day Challenge PDF guide below, because the first 6 days focus on the Guest Room. READ ON, for cleaning tips and details on preparing the most critical part of this room, the guest bed.


Day 1: Strip and wash the sheets. Remake the bed. Use furniture movers to make changing the linens easier.

Our 20 day count down to a clean holiday will start in the guest room. Why start here when so many other areas need attention?  Because the room your guests will pay the most attention to is the room where they sleep. There, they can look around without any inhibitions so it’s really important to get this room extremely clean when making your home ready for guests. The first thing to focus on is the bed.

How to wash your bedding:

Make sure the sheets are clean and stain free. If they look at all worn or off color – spend the extra money and buy a new set.  Nothing looks more inviting than freshly laundered sheets! This includes the pillows and the pillow cases. No one wants to sleep on a pillow that looks or smells like it’s been on the bed for decades. Wash the pillows and remove the stains with my miracle pillow stain remover.  Watch the video below:

How to make your bed:

Make the bed starting with a fitted bottom sheet. Using a flat top sheet, place the pattern facing down so your guests pull down the sheets they’ll see the pattern on both sheets. Use hospital corners to keep everything nice and tight. Place a blanket over the top sheet. Fold down the top sheet about 4” so that the pattern will show and go over top of the blanket.  Top off the bed with a clean, fresh bedspread. Add a down comforter at the end of the bed to give your guests comfort options at night. An easy holiday cleaning tip is to use decorative pillows to make the room look inviting and up to date.  Add a big empty basket near the bed to give decorative pillows a special place during the night. Spray the bedding with witch hazel infused with your favorite essential oils to add safe and inviting fragrance to the room to put the finishing touch on your holiday clean up in the guest room.

Keep watching our blog for more holiday cleaning tips throughout the month!

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