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Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes

Green Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Who Wants To Spend Their Summer Cleaning?

iStock_000025087567SmallWho wants to spend their summer cleaning?

I know I don’t…and I’m sure I’m not alone!

I recently teamed up with Leslie Reichert, author of “The Joy of Green Cleaning” and radio show host of “Green Clean Talk,” to create DIY Green Cleaning Videos that demonstrate the methods and recipes for quick and easy green cleaning.

To ease the burden of keeping a clean and healthy home this summer, here are some tips for tidying up your home in less time:

  • If making your own non-toxic cleaners, have all products ready and mixed ahead of time. Gather your microfiber cloths, mops, HEPA vacuum and bucket. Make sure spray bottles containing cleaning solutions are labeled and dated (normally homemade solutions last about 1-2 months).
  • If your home is already tidy, cleaning it should not be that bad. Picking up and organizing before wiping or scrubbing makes cleaning tasks run smoothly.
  • Pick a room to clean and divide the room into four quadrants (or sections). Clean one section at a time, leaving the area with the doorway for last. Using the same method in each quadrant, wipe down surfaces, walls, baseboards, and windows, then move to the next quadrant. Work around the room until you get to the door.
  • OrangeGlovesWhiteSink - iStockBring in the troops to help! Each person can clean a separate quadrant, or clean a separate room.

Check out Maid Brigade’s DIY Green Cleaning Video Series on for more helpful hints on making cleaning easier.

As Leslie’s new radio co-host, I invite you to join Leslie Reichert and I every Tuesday at 9 AM EST on “Green Clean Talk” radio, and let your voice be heard! Share all of your green cleaning tips, ideas, and recipes with us live!

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