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Sparkle & Smile

Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes

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The Health Benefits of Commercial Cleaning for Your Business

What would you think if you walked into a corporate office for the first time and were greeted with dusty computer keyboards, grimy desks, and stale, coffee-scented air? You probably wouldn’t feel like sticking around and, at the very least, you’d have a poor first impression of the business. 

As a business owner, a dingy office environment is the last thing you want to present to employees and customers. You want shiny floors, spotless screens, and the sense that your work environment is clean, healthy, and safe. That’s where a commercial cleaner like Maid Brigade comes in. We go deeper than aesthetics and impressions, meeting the unique needs of your office or building so you have a clean, sparkling path forward to all your important business goals. 

This blog is your opportunity to address workplace wellness from a new angle: the CLEAN angle. We’ll explore the immediate and long-term benefits of maintaining a safe and sanitary work environment, plus how a commercial cleaner makes each benefit possible. You’ll also get an inside look at Maid Brigade’s very own commercial cleaning checklist.    

A Healthier Work Environment for All

workplace wellness

Employees and customers alike thrive in a clean environment. Cleanliness communicates reliability, professionalism, and the fact that your business values its people. Customers feel safe and confident as they sit in your conference room, ready to tackle your next big business venture, and employees feel able to attend meetings, use the breakroom, and share workspaces without worrying about getting sick. 

In other words, a healthy work environment allows everyone to focus on what matters most: collaborating, communicating, and getting the job done. Here are some specific ways regular visits from a commercial cleaner support workplace wellness by sanitizing your surroundings: 

Reduced Sick Days

You want your employees sharing ideas, not the latest strain of the flu. With so many high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs, desks, and the buttons on the water cooler, illness can spread quickly and force employees to use their sick days to recover. Over time, this kind of absenteeism can stack up, costing your business revenue and productivity.

Thankfully, a commercial cleaner can stop sick days in their tracks by sanitizing even the most hidden and forgotten areas around your office. As a result, your employees can continue to show up happy, healthy, and on time so that projects and performance stay on track. 

Improved Air Quality

Office environments aren’t exactly known for being a breath of fresh air, but air quality matters. Poor air quality can cause headaches, fatigue, poor concentration, and respiratory irritation, especially for employees who are sensitive to the dust and allergens that linger in the air around them. You put health, comfort, and job satisfaction first when you hire a commercial cleaner who prioritizes air quality as part of their services.

workplace wellness


Better Productivity and Morale 

Whether it’s dusty floors and ceilings or walls that look like they haven’t been scrubbed since Y2K, your employees simply aren’t going to feel motivated to do their best if their surroundings aren’t also in the best condition. Cleanliness can be a serious mood booster as well, creating a ripple effect of health and workplace wellness across your entire business. You handle the team building and training while a commercial cleaner handles ambiance and cleanliness of your everyday work environment.  

Workplace Wellness Goes Deeper Than the Surface

At Maid Brigade, we understand that it’s possible for your workplace to be clean but not disinfected, meaning tons of invisible germs are left behind for your employees to catch and spread. We also understand that every office is unique, which is why we customize our cleaning strategy to meet the needs of every individual business we work with. Here is a general checklist of cleaning tasks our professionals will tackle to keep your office space sparkling. 

Commercial Cleaning Checklist 

  • Dusting: Dust builds up quickly, including behind and between furniture. Our detailed approach tackles both the obvious and not-so-obvious areas for a longer-lasting clean. 
  • Vacuuming: Our HEPA-filtration vacuums improve air quality by 4x, giving your office that all-around clean feeling. 
  • Cleaning/sanitizing surfaces: From quick lunches eaten at desks to sneezing, sniffling staff, there are a variety of ways for your business’s surfaces to get dirty. That’s why we focus on thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing everything from light switches to drawer pulls to chairs. 
  • Emptying wastebaskets: No one wants trash and clutter spilling over into their workspace. We’ll empty wastebaskets and put on new wastebasket liners to ensure trash stays under control. 
  • Safe/Non-toxic disinfection: PUREmist® combines EPA-certified hypochlorous acid with electrostatic sprayer technology to achieve 360-degree coverage of all surfaces and objects. It’s a safer, more effective way to disinfect high-touch office equipment, bathrooms, fitness centers, and more.  

Maid Brigade is the Best Commercial Cleaner for the Job

You crack your office door and—ah, you can tell Maid Brigade has been there. The air feels fresh. The carpets have smooth, neat vacuum lines running from one end to the other. Your employees arrive and notice, too, as they sit down at desks with shiny, disinfected surfaces and make coffee on a break room countertop that’s free of grime and stains. 

There’s so much to do and so much your teams will accomplish. Thank goodness you don’t have to worry about cleaning, right?

Keep in mind that a commercial cleaning service is not the same as a janitorial cleaning service. Janitorial cleaning typically happens overnight, allowing supplies to be restocked and general cleaning tasks to be completed out of sight and out of mind. Commercial cleaning, on the other hand, is more flexible in how it can be scheduled and will focus on providing a top-to-bottom service in sanitation and sparkle. Maid Brigade does not provide janitorial services. 
Contact us today to schedule your first business cleaning.

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