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Easier Ways to Clean Your Home

Once again, here in New York, the weather outside is “frightful!”  Another two day snowstorm has hit our state and I am hoping it won’t leave behind that much snow. 

The good thing about snowstorms is that I get good, quality cleaning done in my home (at least during the time the kids are in school).  I have definitely slacked off on my cleaning these past two weeks so I am eager to catch up and get back on schedule.

Because I am a firm believer in using non-toxic cleaning products, I make a lot of my cleaners from ingredients I have at home.  Here are some of my favorite recipes:

For a good drain cleaner, pour ½ cup baking soda, followed by 1 cup vinegar down the drain.  After it fizzes, rinse the drain with hot water.  About five minutes later, rinse the drain with cold water.

To clean the bathroom tile floors in my bathrooms, I mix together water, vinegar, alcohol, a couple drops of dish soap, and if I am in the mood, I add a couple drops of essential oils.  Believe it or not, this solution also works very well on windows, glass, and stainless steel appliances as well.  

When a scouring scrub is needed, first I spray the area with a vinegar/water mix.  Then, I sprinkle the area with baking soda and scrub it with a damp cloth.  Rinse and watch the area shine! 

Light carpet stains usually can come up by dissolving 2 tablespoons of salt in ½ cup vinegar.  Just spray the affected area with the mix and let it dry.  After it dries, vacuum the area.  For tougher stains, add 2 tablespoons of borax to the salt/vinegar mix.

To clean my granite countertops, I just use plain old warm water and a little dish soap.

Happy cleaning!


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